Steve penk show
Steve penk show

steve penk show

Nobody can defend the Key 103 decline and if they do, they shouldn't be working in radio. Programming is where it's all gone wrong and without naming names, I believe it's currently the blind leading the partially sighted. Commercially, Key 103 remains one of Bauer's cash cows, but with this huge audience decline, it won't stay that way for long. The fall in recent years is not a blip, it's a spectacular depressing fall for this once great radio station. There are many talented people who still work there, but in recent years the radio station has totally lost its way. It always dominated the great City of Manchester, and for many many years was the number 1 choice for hit music radio listeners in Greater Manchester. the list of unique talented broadcasters that have worked for this great radio station is very impressive.

steve penk show

Many amazing broadcasters started their career at this radio station - Chris Evans, Timmy Mallett, Geoff Lloyd, Susie Mathis, Dave Ward, Mike Sweeney, Mark Radcliffe, Gary King, Scott Mills. Piccadilly Radio/Key 103 was built on character. Piccadilly Radio launched on April 2nd 1974 and rebranded as Key 103 almost exactly 27 years ago. Most people in radio feel exactly the same way about the radio station where they started their career.

steve penk show

I will always remain passionate about Key 103 Manchester. In terms of total audience, it is the worst set of listening figures in Key 103's history. The latest set of UK radio industry listening figures were released today, and one set of figures in particular makes me very sad.

Steve penk show